7 Skills to Develop Resilience in Setback, Crisis and Chaos
Resilience isn’t something you know you have until you look through the mirror of life in retrospect and use the skills it has taught you to face down the brutal facts of reality.
Resilience is less genetic than an acquired skill. To that end, I dedicate this book to the unannounced setbacks, to economic reversals and personal tragedies. Life’s hardships are like soft metal that is forged by pressure for its intended hardened purpose. Our life under pressure is made into a new likeness as well, forged for greater purposes.
Sometimes in life we have no control over the hardships and adversities. However, there is one and only thing we do have control over – our response. We can choose to look for learning paths in all situations and codify those lessons learned to gain wisdom which produces hope for an uncertain tomorrow.
After living sixty plus years and the majority of those as a business owner, through multiple recessions, near bankruptcies, divorce, suicide of a Partner, fraud, and embezzlement, Greg Barron has come to realize that the choice is either to give up or choose a path to use those events to build resiliency.
Follow Greg’s journey in how to build a resiliency in life that doesn’t promise us tomorrow but allows us the ability to persevere creatively and with tenacity gain confidence and resilience for today.
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